2. General intranet options
Login logo
Add a custom logo to appear on the login screen.
Base font
Choose from Helvetica Neue or Open Sans.
Hide reciprocal related links
By default, if you add a related link from page 1 to page 2, related links will display on both pages. If you want to make “one-way” related links, check this option.
Restrict category authors
Check this option to stop authors from creating categories.
Restrict category editors
Check this option to stop editors from creating categories.
Show ACF admin
Show or hide the Custom Fields menu in the admin dashboard.
404 page not found
Text to display as a heading on the 404 page. Defaults to “Not found.”
Comment instructions
Text to be displayed on comment forms. Different versions are available for logged-in and logged-out users.
Must login message
Text to display for logged-out users when they are required to login to post comments.
Show registration link
Adds a registration link to the utility menu.
Show login link
Adds a login/logout link to the utility menu.
Show like count
If using the “Love It Pro” plugin, show a count of likes on post entries.
Load Bootstrap components from the MaxCDN network.
Track homepage
Use Google Analytics tracking on the homepage. In some cases you may not wish to count every view to the homepage, especially if the homepage is the default page is user browsers.
Google tracking code
Enter your Google Analytics tracking code here. This will be loaded on every page (only on the homepage if tracking is on).
Header code
Use this area for any javascript code that should be loaded in the page header. For example, use code for Google Web Fonts here.
Enter your subscription key to receive theme updates.