Import users Task


Backup your database before attempting the import process. These are utility plugins, supplied as open source, intended for one-off use and adaptation where required. The importer functions make changes to your database based on information that you supply. Badly-formatted or malicious code within imported data can seriously affect your installation.

Download, install and activate

Download GovIntranet

Unzip the file. You only need the utilities folder.

Copy the user-importer folder from utilities to your plugins folder, or zip the user-importer folder and import it using the admin dashboard.

This folder contains three plugins that you’ll need to activate:

  1. Team importer
  2. User importer
  3. Manager importer

There are also two example CSV files contained in the utilities folder to use as starting templates.


If you will use teams for the staff directory, you must import these before any users. Open the example CSV in a spreadsheet editor and add rows as required. The order of rows is important. Team posts are hierarchical. Teams that are higher in the hierarchy must appear earlier in the spreadsheet. Leave the parent team blank for top level teams. Specify parent posts using the slug of the parent team. Follow instructions for export and import.


Open the example CSV in a spreadsheet editor and add rows as required. Use the team slug exactly as imported from the team spreadsheet to assign users to a team. Always use the lowest hierarchical team. Put anything in the hide column to hide users from the staff directory; leave blank otherwise. You must import users before managers. Follow instructions for export and import.


Use the same user spreadsheet to process managers.

Export and import

From a spreadsheet editor, export your data to a CSV file format.

Open the CSV file with a plain text editor and remove the header row.

Copy all the rows as plain text into your clipboard.

Open the appropriate importer under Tools (Team, User or Manager)

Paste the rows from the text editor into the importer window.