Everything tagged: widgets

HT Most recent widget (Manage widgets)

Displays latest content from across the intranet. You can configure how many items to show, which types of content and whether to show pages again when they are updated. Posts …

Guide (Category: Setup and configuration) 

HT Most recent tags widget (Manage widgets)

Displays latest content from across the intranet for a specific tag. This is useful for when you need to keep staff updated on changes for a particular topic, for example …

Guide (Category: Setup and configuration) 

HT Notify (Available plugins)

Provides a new widget to add to the sidebar of pages allowing users to subscribe to changes to the page. This really only works on posts and pages where the …

Guide (Category: Setup and configuration) 

HT People Survey widget (Manage widgets)

This widget is available with the HT People Survey plugin. It was originally designed to show response rates for the Civil Service People Survey. It can also be used for …

Guide (Category: Setup and configuration) 

HT Recent Comments widget (Manage widgets)

Use the HT Recent Comments widget to display a list of comments. You can filter the list by post type. Note that this is not the Recent Comments widget that …

Guide (Category: Page templates) 

Place intravert widgets (Intravert guide)

Creating a bank of intraverts is not enough to make them display. You must also place the intravert widget within widget areas. In the intravert widget, choose which intraverts are …

Guide (Category: Setup and configuration) 

HT Favourites widget (Manage widgets)

This plugin allows you to add a widget to display an “Add to favourites” button. It will only display if people are logged in. The button changes to “Remove from …

Guide (Category: Setup and configuration) 

HT Notify widget (Manage widgets)

This plugin allows you to add a widget to display a “Get notifications” button. It will only display if people are logged in. Staff will receive a simple email when …

Guide (Category: Setup and configuration) 

(Govintra) News updates widget (Manage widgets)

Use the News updates widget to add announcements to widget areas. You can specify the background and text colour for the widget display, and select which types of news updates to …

Guide (Category: Setup and configuration) 

HT Profile nudge widget (Manage widgets)

If you use the staff profile, you can nudge people to update missing elements using this widget. The widget is only activated when a staff member is logged in. It …

Guide (Category: Setup and configuration)