Everything tagged: taxonomies

Add documents to the document finder (Enable the Document Finder and Media A to Z)

To setup document types, create them under Media, Document types, e.g. Forms and templates Presentations Policies Posters Media items use the same categories as tasks and guides. To setup A …

Guide (Category: Page templates) 

Manage event types

Left-hand menu: Events, Event types Event types work like regular categories and allow you to group events. You can add, change and remove types and assign them in individual events. …

Task (Category: Events | Setup and configuration) 

Change category colours

Left-hand menu: Tasks, Categories Change foreground and background colours of individual categories. Foreground text appears on background colours when categories are displayed on individual posts, so choose combinations with adequate …

Task (Category: Setup and configuration) 

Add terms to taxonomies (Setup GovIntranet for the first time)

Add terms to taxonomies as necessary: Add categories for use across tasks and guides, documents (Tasks, Categories) Add blog categories for use across blog posts (Blog posts, Blog categories) Add …

Guide (Category: Setup and configuration)